Division Manager
Assistant Division Manager
(TEL) |
Section Name |
Main Services |
3808 |
7535 |
Student General
Affairs Section |
7537 |
- General administrative work within the Department, liaison, and coordination
- General and personnel affairs at the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education and Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Procedures for business trips, honoraria, and dual employment related to the Department (excluding payment processing)
Student Affairs
Planning Section |
3819 |
- Plans, targets, evaluation, and self-inspection, etc. related to student support
- Public relations related to the Department
- Entrance Ceremony
- Research support for the Institute for Excellence in Higher Education and Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence
Accounting Section
| 7566 |
- Budgeting, account settlement, and income related to the Department, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, and Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Calculation of payroll, business trip expenses, and honoraria, etc. related to the Department
- Calculation of mutual aid, social insurance, unemployment insurance, and resident tax related to the Department
Procurement and
Facilities Management
Campus) |
7570 |
- Handling of goods purchasing agreements, service agreements, and contract agreements related to the Department
- Management of property (goods, real estate)
- Use of buildings, facilities, etc. managed by the Department (excluding the Student Support Division)
- Management of security and cleaning services on Kawauchi-Kita Campus
- Utilities and telephone
- Parking permits and management
- Operations related to staff housing
- Disaster prevention planning and implementation
Division Manager
Assistant Division Manager
(TEL) |
Section Name |
Main Services |
3934 |
7536 |
Specialists |
4982 |
- Council for the Promotion of Educational Reform (including the Section for Verification of Educational Quality Assurance)
- Educational targets and plans
- Surveys on educational affairs
- Rules and regulations regarding undergraduate schools, graduate schools, and non-degree students
- President's Educational Award
- Non-degree student (research students, part-time students, and interns)
- Special instructors
- General Education PR
- Other educational affairs
Educational Affairs
Section |
3924 |
- Administrative work for undergraduate school affairs, liaison, and coordination
- School Affairs Council
- Undergraduate withdrawal, academic leave of absence, removal from the register, graduation, etc.
- Undergraduate curriculums and educational standards, etc.
- Bachelor degrees
- Administration of the Teachers License Act for undergraduates
- Inter-university educational exchanges for undergraduates
- Support for university education reform at the faculties
- Undergraduate and graduate student enrollment limits
Education Support
Section |
3925 |
- Administrative work for graduate school affairs, liaison and coordination
- Graduate student withdrawal, academic leave of absence, removal from the register, graduation, etc.
- Graduate curriculums, educational standards, etc.
- Master's, doctoral, and professional degrees
- Administration of the Teachers License Act for graduate students
- Inter-university educational exchanges for graduate students
- Support for graduate school university education reform
- Research students, part-time students, and interns
- Educational support projects for regional cooperation, high-school and university educational cooperation, extension courses, etc.
- Evaluation and self- inspection of education and classes
- Educational applications of Internet & information/communications technology
- Information Management System for Educational Affairs and automatic certificate issuing machines
- Undergraduate and graduate student enrollment
General Education
Section |
7578 |
- General Education class planning etc., liaison and coordination
- General Education class curriculums etc.
- Faculty Development (F. D.) for General Education classes, etc.
- Evaluation of General Education classes, etc.
- General Education PR
General Education
Section |
7562 |
- Undergraduate registration and academic records for General Education classes, etc.
- Implementation of General Education classes, etc. (including lecture cancellation, makeup classes, and examinations)
- Teaching assistants for General Education classes, etc.
- Use of classrooms for General Education classes, etc. (including use of equipment)
- Undergraduate admission procedures
*Please prefix the above phone numbers with '022-795' when calling.