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3 Message from the President
  Tohoku University News and Events (April 2012 - July 2013)

< Disaster Reconstruction Projects >

5 Tohoku University Disaster Reconstruction Projects
6 Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization

< Research Activities >

7 Development of Fish Oil Powder
Professor Teruo Miyazawa
8 Linear Collider Collaboration
Professor Hitoshi Yamamoto
9 Regeneration of Teeth
Professor Satoshi Fukumoto
10 Improving the Efficiency of Energy Utilization
Professor Hiroo Yugami
11 Forefront of Economics of Aging
Professor Hiroshi Yoshida
12 Elucidation of the Immune System
Professor Shoichiro Kurata

< Social Contribution Activities >

13 Providing Spiritual Care in Disaster-stricken Areas
Professor Iwayumi Suzuki

< International Education Activities >

14 International Student Support and Intercultural Education
Professor Kazuko Suematsu

< Awards and Honors >

15 Faculty Awards and Honors (July 2012-August 2013)

< Organization and Management >

17 Effective organization and management that can forge a splendid future

< Educational Excellence >

19 Educational programs designed to stimulate the intellect for the next generation

< Student Activities >

23 Pursuing their potential and improving themselves through friendly rivalry

< University-Industry Collaboration >

25 University-industry collaboration to tackle new challenges

< International Exchanges >

27 International exchange to transmit our ideas aiming at great achievements

< Social Contribution and Gender Equality >

29 Preserving tradition, contributing to a changing society and promoting gender equality

< Shuyukai >

30 Tohoku University Alumni Association Shuyukai

< Campus Report >

31 Tohoku University Campus Report for the Future

< Overview of Tohoku University >

33 Data and Overview of Tohoku University
34 Contacts

* This Annual Review 2013 covers activities conducted from April 2012 to August 2013.

* Personal information of those who are in this Annual Review including affiliation, position, and age is not current.