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1 Mission Statement
3 The Message from President of Tohoku University
  Tohoku University News and Events April 2011 to July 2012

〈The Great East Japan Earthquake〉

5 Relief support in the aftermath of the earthquake
Tohoku University Recovery PR campaign
6 Donations received from around the world
Financial assistance to students
7 Leading efforts for regional reconstruction:
Eight Projects and Reconstruction Action 100+
8 Renewed commitment on the first anniversary

〈Research Activities Transmitted to the World〉

9 “Going to Places Where Humans Cannot”
Sending the Dream of Science on the Space Probe
Professor. Kazuya Yoshida
10 Discovery of Novel Type of Pluripotent Stem Cell,
“Muse Cells” Opening a New Stage of Regenerative Medicine
Professor. Mari Dezawa
11 Establishment of the Support Office for Children
in the Aftermath of the 2011 Japan Earthquake
Professor. Michiyo Kato
12 Discovery of “dressed-cells” which inhibit delayed allergic reaction
Professor. Kouetsu Ogasawara
13 Bio-nano processing technology -
Enhancing intelligent device development
Professor. Seiji Samukawa
14 Seeking business innovations which connect to
regional resources with an entrepreneurial spirit
Professor. Michi Fukushima
15 Contributing to Research in Superconductivity and Spintronics
Using High-resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy
Professor. Takashi Takahashi
16 A gene-manipulated rat which sense light at its skin -
Innovative informational transmission to the brain
Professor. Hiromu Yawo

〈Awards and Honors〉

17 Faculty Awards and Honors (August 2011-July 2012)

〈Organization and Management〉

19 Organization and management that lay the groundwork for the future of society

〈Educational Excellence〉

21 Providing programs to assist education and research essential to a dynamic university

〈Student Activities〉

23 Campus life that helps students develop a greater sense of individuality

〈Industry-University Collaboration〉

25 A body of knowledge that leads industry-university collaboration to a new level

〈International Exchanges〉

27 Building a world-class education and research institution through international exchange

〈Social Contribution and Gender Equality〉

29 New initiatives to promote social contribution and gender equality

〈Tohoku University Shuyukai〉

30 Tohoku University Shuyukai Association

〈Campus Environment〉

31 Tohoku University New Campus Plan

〈Overview of Tohoku University〉

33 Data and Overview of Tohoku University
34 Contacts

* This Annual Review 2012 covers activities conducted from April 2012 to July 2012.

* Personal information of those who are in this Annual Review including affiliation, position, and age is not current.